A cooked chook

Jac and house guest VR are in Mandurah this weekend, staying with mates by the beach. They’ll be home on Sunday arvo. It’s 2:50am and I’m finally beginning to feel like going to sleep.

But before I do go to bed, here’s a photo of a barbecue chook we ate last weekend. VR had expressed her interest in eating barbecue chicken after seeing them for sale every time she was at the supermarket, and so we bought one last Saturday while we were at the shops. Jac of course was very good and ate no skin, sticking strictly to the leaner meat, making herself a chicken and salad sandwich. I of course went straight for my favourite parts: thigh, drumstick and skin. This chicken came from one of our local IGA stores and cost $7.90 – the chickens from this particular store are always succulent and seasoned to perfection – they are always delicious. The only bad thing about the chickens from this store is that they don’t have any stuffing in them – I love that yellow supermarket cooked chook stuffing. Ah well.

BBQ Chook

Okay, bedtime. I’ll continue with posts tomorrow.

P.S. ooops, I just realised my posts’ timestamps are all an hour off – I thought I’d adjusted WordPress for daylight saving, but apparently I haven’t. Tomorrow, I’ll fix it tomorrow, ooops, I mean later today.

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