Election Day Food

The day before Jac got home from Brisbane, Saturday 24th November, was Federal Election Day. I woke up with a terrible craving for a Filet O Fish. I got up, did a few household chores, wandered over to the local primary school to vote, then went to McDonald’s.

The Filet O Fish really hit the spot.

Filet O Fish

A few soggy fries in the batch – see those couple of limp-looking brownish ones? – but overall, pretty good.


I bought a 10-pack of Chicken McNuggets too. I didn’t eat them all in one sitting – I ate half with my burger and fries, took the rest home for a snack later.

Chicken McNuggets

I also got hokkien mee with chicken takeaway -for dinner. And that’s what I ate as I watched the election coverage on the telly that evening.

Hokkien mee

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