Thursday work lunch – teriyaki chicken, sushi and… spaghetti?
J and I grabbed a takeaway lunch from Jaws Mint (Hay Street, opposite the Perth Mint in East Perth) last Thursday.
We each got a small teriyaki chicken (AU$5.00).
I got a 4-pack of tuna and mayonnaise sushi. Jaws’ version of tuna and mayo consists mostly of cooked tuna and onion, with just a little mayonnaise. It’s delicious.
J got a 4-pack of raw salmon and avocado sushi, which she really enjoyed.
We shared a small spaghetti salad – it’s just cooked spaghetti with sliced capsisum, in a smoky-smelling light cheese dressing. A bit bizarre, perhaps, but usually very tasty. I wrote “usually” because on this occasion the salad had a strange socky sort of smell to it – it’s not how it usually smells; it wasn’t quite right. Unfortunately when we noticed this, we were back at the office and the rain was pelting down quite heavily outside, so we didn’t bother bringing it back. Everything else was good, though.