TFP now on Facebook
I’ve created a Facebook page for The Food Pornographer. My blog posts will feed straight through via the Notes on my Page, and I plan to share little extra bits and pieces from time to time (kind of like what I do with my Twitter account, where you’ll get to read the odd thought or observation that doesn’t warrant a full post). It’s all quite new to me, so I’m still exploring.
I did create a FB profile using my real name before I created the page, so I hope they won’t think that I am somehow violating their Ts and Cs with regards to “fake” accounts. If they follow the links back to this site, they’ll see there has been a person known as TFP and a website called The Food Pornographer for a number of years, with real readers (because we know I haven’t been just talking to myself all this time)!
Anyway, feel free to become a fan of the page if you’re a fan of this site, to help me seem less fake if the FB scrutineers come along. And hopefully we can connect in more fun ways via FB. I know lots of you guys are on there already, after all! :)