A happy ending to the fridge shelves story

In reference to the saga of the fridge shelves:

Today, 12:32pm: Rob from WA Appliance Parts just rang me. He’s got both shelves we need and will personally deliver them to our house this evening! He said he didn’t expect us to drive all the way out to the shop again when it wasn’t our fault a mistake was made the first time. How’s that for service? I do understand that mistakes can be made (no one’s infallible after all), but how they are dealt with is what really counts.

7:56pm: Rob turned up at our place with the two shelves this evening. He apologised again for the mix-up any inconvenience caused (really, I didn’t think he needed to apologise again, seeing as he was standing on my verandah with the two shelves! But I appreciate his trying to do the right thing). The poor guy jumped when Pixel sprang up unexpectedly onto the window sill in his line of vision (“What’s that?! Oh, your cat.”). Any annoyance I felt from the original stuff-up has been completely wiped away. The fridge shelves are fabulous. No more taped up shelves bending with the weight of Jac’s jars of pickles!
A big thumbs up to Rob from WA Appliance Parts!

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