Fruit cake is my weakness!

Tonight for dinner, Jac made me a fish sandwich. She flavoured the fish with lemon pepper and panfried it. With toasted multigrain bread, mayonaise and loads of lettuce, it was a delicious sandwich.

Fish sandwich

I don’t usually have dessert, but Jac brought out a surprise from her backpack: Weston’s Country Style Sultana cake.

Weston's Country Style Sultana Cake

I really love fruit cake – I know technically this is sultana, not fruit cake, but the principle is the same, I think. Jac got this particular cake from her work. At her office, there is a Snack Box, which is a cardboard box containing all sorts of snacks, both sweet and savoury – the sultana cake, giant choc-chip cookies, King-Sized Picnic, Mars and Snickers bars, packets of Clinkers, M&Ms, Snakes, Twisties and Smiths Crisps, even beef jerky – all for $2.50 each. It works on an honour system – you pay for your chosen snack by putting the correct money into a smaller box which has a coin slot in it like a money box and is attached to the main box. Whenever I go to Jac’s office, I always always head directly for the snack box so I can check out what’s in it (the cheap thrills of a glutton!). The Snack Box Man visits Jac’s office every week, removes the old snacks, replenishes the box with new snacks, and collects whatever money is in the money box. I suppose it’s a kind of vending machine, with minimal maintenance (no moving parts!) and no need for electricity. It’s a cool idea, though I don’t think the Snack Box Man makes much money from Jac’s office, as the maximum number of people that may be there is only about six (on any given day they only have about four people in the office), and they don’t seem to be big snackers. Anyway, I looooooooooooooooooooooove this sultana cake. It’s moist and not overly sweet.

This is what the cake looks like, once out of the packet. Its thickness makes for decent-sized, satisfying bites.

Weston's Country Style Sultana Cake

I never eat a whole serve of dessert. I broke off about a third of the cake for tonight, and stashed away the rest for another couple of feeds. I had my cake with a cup of tea. The cup with the blue cat on it is one of a set of four different coloured cat cups that my Mum gave Jac one year for her birthday.

Weston's Country Style Sultana Cake and a cuppa

I savoured each bite of cake – here is the last!

One bite left of Weston's Country Style Sultana Cake and a cuppa

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