Posts Tagged ‘casserole’

Meat, potatoes, veg

Last night for dinner Jac made a beef and red wine casserole, which she served with garlic mashed potato (potatoes boiled with whole cloves of garlic in the saucepan, which are then mashed together) and steamed silverbeet. Mmmmm. Tasty. As usual, there’s no actual recipe for the casserole – I think what she did was […]

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Another Friday night dinner

Last post of the night: dinner tonight was a simple chicken casserole that Jac made using a can of chicken and vegetable soup as well as fresh vegetables (onions, carrots, green beans, spinach), chicken thigh meat and seeded mustard. She served it with garlic mashed potato. My early mornings have caught up with me. It’s […]

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Dinner at Myra and Rick’s

On Tuesday night we had dinner at Myra and Rick’s. They are a lovely South African couple that we’ve known for around six and a half years; Jac’s house-sat for them and looked after their menagerie of two brindle staffies (staffordshire terriers), two cats and two tanks of fish. They are more than just “the […]

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