Posts Tagged ‘giant schnitzel’

NSW Holiday 2007-2008 – Day 13

On the second-last day of our holiday in NSW, we met up with E at long last. She picked us up from Jon’s place and took us back to her home to meet with Leika and Cobber, her gorgeous furry babies. I wish we could get a kitten, but we really need a bigger house […]

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Sausages and sauerkraut (for Haz and Todd)

These are actually old photos, from Jac’s birthday celebration at the Duckstein Microbrewery in the Swan Valley, way back in 2002. Some of you will have seen them before on a previous incarnation of my site, but I thought I’d post them in honour of Haz and Todd, who have been waxing lyrical about sausages […]

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