Computer and chooks
Good news – all my computer bits arrived yesterday. One little box (the cpu) and one big box of goodies (power supply, graphics card, dvd burner, windows xp pro, hard disc drive, memory and tv tuner card, all neatly and securely packed). Very exciting. I carefully went through everything to make sure I’d received exactly what I ordered. Thank goodness no fsck-ups there. The big box of goodies is sitting (with goodies all repacked in the box) here in the study, behind me, so I won’t be tormented by the sight of it. I’ve had to strategically arrange a pile of books on top of the box to look unstable to discourage a naughty little black cat who loves jumping on everything and being queen of the castle. Both cats will probably tell you the box is theirs now anyway – they’ve both rubbed their faces all over it.
Bad news (this is why the sight of the big box of goodies might torment me) – my brother, who will be supervising me as I build the computer is going away on holidays from this coming Saturday until the 9th of September, so there will be no time for us to get together to work on the new computer until after that. Yes, I know I could just have a go building it on my own, but given how much money I’ve spent on the bits I really don’t want to risk fscking something up due to my own ignorance. I’ve been doing a lot of research on various aspects of the hardware components and pc building, but I think having my brother there to instruct and advise me will be the best way to Build My Computer For The First Time. I’d rather have him there to help me than piss-fart around trying to work things out myself and taking three times as long with three times the stress. I’m not that fussed about the wait; it will be worth it. I’ve been without a desktop pc for so long now another couple of weeks won’t really make a difference! I will tell you all about my experience with three computer online stores very soon. Stay tuned.
I’m really tired now… I haven’t been setting the alarm but I’ve been waking up (and getting out of bed) around 5:30am every morning. I don’t feel like I’m particularly stressed, but I know I have a lot on my mind – the new computer (hopefully now that the bits have arrived safely my mind will relax a little on that subject), the current chapter I’m working on (current status – Still Crap), and a pile of books and articles I have to read. I might finish off my now-lukewarm tea and get ready for bed. This wasn’t a very interesting post at all. Oh well, you get that sometimes.
Oh yeah and in other news, our chooks have gone to live at Jac’s mum’s for a while. Jac’s Auntie M is driving around Australia and is heading our way very soon. She will probably be parking her van in our backyard while she stays here. We decided it was probably best to remove the chooks for this because as free-rangers they roam free and crap all over the backyard. Jac plans to do a big poo pick-up and have the yard all tidy and poo-less for Auntie M’s arrival. I don’t think I’ll miss the chooks that much – to be honest they have been just bludging the last couple of months. We’ve actually had to (shock, horror) buy eggs! I’m sure our neighbours had a good chuckle listening to us running around trying to catch the chooks this morning. We had a big bag to pop them into for the drive to Jac’s mum’s house. One chook was easy to grab – the other we chased around the yard a few times. We thought we had her cornered but she is very flexible and slippery as a snake and kept escaping. I’m sure it looked like an I Love Lucy episode with Jac chasing the chook, chook running into the middle of a bush, Jac squeezing through to the middle of the bush, chook running out from the bush, Jac squeezing back out of the bush, chook running back into the middle of the bush, Jac squeezing through to the middle of the bush, chook running out from the bush, Jac squeezing back out of the bush, chook running back into the middle of the bush… (you get the idea). It didn’t help that I was wearing a pair of too-big and too-long trackies – definitely not part of a chook-catcher’s ensemble – they slowed me down somewhat.