My desk and speakers
I think it’s very interesting that among the most popular photos at my Flickr site are pictures of my desk at uni. As I was taking pictures of the new speakers I thought you might like to have a tour of my desk at home.
1. and 2. are my front speakers, of course. And I haven’t allocated a number for it, but the centre speaker is sitting on top of my primary(biggest) monitor.
3. The subwoofer is under the desk, next to my footstool. Billy Lee likes to sleep on the footstool, especially in winter, because it’s warm and cosy down there.
4. That is a picture given to me by my youngest sister. When she is a famous artist it will be very valuable.
5. Rabbit ear antenna, plugged into my HDTV tuner card in my computer. The reception is pretty good.
6. Pokemon poster, a Christmas pressie from my brother and his wife from a few years ago. It shows the original #1-150 (no Mew #151 though!).
7. That’s my VISA debit card, used for online shopping, eBay etc.
There’s more to tell you…
1. This is the control panel for the speakers, with master, surround, centre and subwoofer volume knobs as well as power on/off and headphone jack. My DVD player is plugged into it, via RCA extension cables.
2. This is my crappy Microsoft basic optical mouse (I think that’s what it is actually called). It will soon be replaced by… I’ll save that for the next post!
3. Notes to myself. I’m always scribbling notes and sticking them all over the place. These ones in particular are: top note – call rates for iiPhone, middle note – height and weight measurements for my website banners (for easy reference when editing images), and the third note – a list of blog post ideas.
4. My computer desktop wallpaper is currently one I made myself using screenshots from various Simpsons episodes. You may also notice on the screen I have Winamp 5.1 open, with the Modern skin, with citrus colour scheme. As you can see, there are three screens on the desk – the largest is my 20″ Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 21TX monitor. Next to that is my CTX flatscreen 17″ monitor, which has a Sony trinitron tube in it. It’s too small for me now, but has a fantastically sharp, clear display (well, for a CRT monitor anyway). Last is my 34cm Sony TV, which family all contributed towards, for my birthday pressie this year.
5. My Pikachu clock sits on top of a cheapie Dick Smith DVD player and my very old VCR. The clock has a mind of its own. Every now and then the alarm goes off even though I have never set it.
6. More toys – Rosie (Chicken Run), which I got from Hungry Jack’s, and a Jigglypuff pokemon soft toy, which always lies on its side like it’s dead.
7. You can’t see it very well, but that’s the USB sensor for the HDTV remote.
And yes, that’s a Tom Cruise Mission Impossible II poster there stuck on the filing cabinet. It’s a strangely entertaining crappy film.
Rear speaker, left. This sits on one of the bookshelves in the corner of the room. In this photo you can see:
My aerofit exercise machine. This is exactly the same one as used by Kath in Kath and Kim. We bought it for $15 at swapmeet.
The double-cassette player you see there is 14 years old. I use it to listen to the radio. Behind it, you can see video tapes of ER recorded from TV for the past 5 or 6 years. There are two Sims expansion packs I haven’t had a chance to play yet – Superstar and Making Magic.
Rear speaker, right. I’m going to have to get a rug or something to put on the floor over the cable, otherwise I can see Jac or myself tripping over it and yanking the speaker off the shelf and onto the floor. The cap hanging on the door is my university cap which is 12 years old.