Friday night birthday surprises
On Friday night, Jac and three of her best friends got together for a party planning meeting. The four of them are turning 40 this year, and are organising a big combined party. It promises to be a huuuuuge bash (we’re talking a marquee, DJ and renting a portaloo). The four friends held a big combined birthday party when they turned 25, and many of the people they are inviting to this party went to that 25th party. I hadn’t met Jac yet back then, but I’ve seen the photos… it was a big, biiiiiig night.
Anyway, Friday night’s food. RH made sushi: chicken, cucumber and avocado, tuna and egg. They were might tasty. I had to consciously hold off just grabbing sushi after sushi.
A closer view of the sushi.
KO made mini sausage rolls and rissoles, which we ate with tomato sauce.
The original plan was to munch on the sushi, sausage rolls and rissoles, and then order pizza for dinner. But we didn’t really need pizza after all that!
Jac’s birthday is next week, and so the girls surprised her with a present and a birthday cake. RH had rung me during the week to get birthday pressie ideas (and to make sure I would come to this meeting and be part of the surprise celebrations). Jac was really surprised when the girls brought out a big helium balloon that said “40” and began to sing happy birthday. She was thrilled when she opened her present – a portable lamp that runs off a natural gas bottle (like the sort used to run your gas barbecue). It will be perfect for her night gardening sessions (seriously!) and the future camping trips she plans to take me on. The lamp even came in its own carry case. Well done, girls!
And then, RH brought out another surprise – a birthday cake. But not an ordinary cake – an ice cream cake! Jac had been telling me how much she would love an ice cream birthday cake, and so a little birdie just happened to tell RH that! The cake was neopolitan flavour – with strawberry, chocolate and vanilla layers of ice cream, and topped with little multi-coloured sweet sprinkles. And Friday had been a stinking hot day (around 38 C or something similar), so it was nice to have the cold ice cream cake for dessert. It was melting very quickly though!
I wasn’t quick enough taking this photo… Jac had already eaten a big mouthful!