Archive for July, 2006

The return of the chicken dish with no name

It’s not very photogenic, but I enjoyed this meal I cooked on Thursday night: my chicken dish with no name, fried cabbage and egg, and rice. If you’ve been reading this site for a while you’ll know all about my chicken dish with no name. If not, you can read about it here (served with […]

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Another dinner featuring sausages

EDIT, 20/07/2006. I’ve had quite a bit of interest in the stir-fried brussels sprouts via comments and emails. It seems quite a few of you reckon they smell gross too! Hahaha. Anyway, for those interested, just a note: Jac did steam the brussels sprouts beforehand, so that they were not completely raw when added to […]

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First, dentist BOOOO!… Then KFC YEEEEAH!

For breakfast this morning, as part of my non-stinky breath for the dentist-strategy, I had two pieces of toast, an apple and a mandarin. I even flossed twice. But I decided I would have lunch after seeing the dentist, and have something really yummy and junky. The dentist did a really good job of grinding […]

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Uni lunches again

I went to uni today as I needed to print off a bunch of articles (we have a pretty good laser printer in the shared office, BYO paper; I have a shitty old bubblejet printer at home that is no good for bulk printing). Any hoo, for lunch today MK and I grabbed some asian […]

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Sunday lunch of leftovers

Well, I have my new glasses now, and they are soooooooooooooo great! (Well, I think so, anyway, which is the most important thing :)). I think out of all the pairs of glasses I have owned in my life, I am the happiest I have ever been with these (seriously! Special thanks to Juji for […]

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New look coming up

Wow! eyecandy just sms’d me to say that my new glasses are ready! That is so quick! In the past, with other optometrists, I’ve always had a week to two weeks’ wait for new glasses. Perhaps back then, my high-index lenses had to be specially ordered in from Japan or something (that’s the only thing […]

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Japanese dinner

Ah, bugger it. I was going to go to bed and save this post for tomorrow, but I may as well just do it now. Jac rang me this arvo and said she’d work late and get takeaway Japanese from Sapporo for our dinner. All I had to do was set the table by 6:15pm. […]

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A post before bed…

I stayed home again today and continued working on my chapter. For lunch, I made a quick salad of spinach, tomatoes and mushrooms, with a handful of Jac’s homemade multigrain croutons and a piece of leftover fish from Monday night’s dinner. I tossed the spinach, tomatoes and mushrooms in Paul Newman’s Ranch Dressing. I zapped [&he…

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Fish, chips, coleslaw

Dinner tonight was panfried fish (coated in wholemeal flour and lemon pepper), ovenfried chips and homemade coleslaw. The fish is sitting on a bed of spinach leaves, which I ate. Tomorrow it’s back to the chapter. How can one chapter be so difficult to write?!

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Shopping and sushi

I took the day off today to choose some new spectacles (eyeglasses). Juji came along as my trusty advisor. We met up in town and took a bus to Victoria Park to eyecandy Optomery & Optical Dispensing, at 401 Albany Highway. I had my prescription ready to go; I got my eyes tested last week […]

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