Discovery: Food Mode on Digital Cameras

I just discovered something cool – so cool I thought – that I simply must tear myself away from the thesis writing and tell you! Maybe this is old news, but I didn’t know that you can get digital cameras which have a “food” mode/setting! Yeah, how cool!

I found out this piece of information when reading a comment at Things That Make You Go Yum, from Bon Vivant, which mentioned that she’d met fellow foodie who had a camera with a food mode. I then did a Google search for “digital camera food mode” and discovered that there are indeed a number of cameras with a food mode! See?

Some reviewers need to get with the (food) blogging times, though. One writer calls the food mode “quirky”, and another calls it “outright weird”. Hah. I think it’s great that camera manufacturers have been paying attention to what people actually take pictures of these days. (Maybe they also need a “sexy” mode*. Not that I’d know from personal experience! Hahahahaha.)

Of course, I’m sure the food mode won’t be a magical setting that produces amazing shots in all circumstances/lighting environments, but I’ll definitely look into cameras with such a mode the next time I’m looking for a new camera. I know I will be torn between a powerful chunky beast that takes great shots or a compact camera that is easily carried everywhere and doesn’t make people freak out like a bigger/more professional-looking camera would. Oooops, I’ve ignored my thesis a little longer than I’d intended (suuuuuure).

*Makes selected objects in a shot look bigger than they are. Hee hee.

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