We’re ba-aaack!
Yes, we’re back. Got home late arvo yesterday. Thank you for all your comments wishing us a good holiday – we had a fantastic time! Having recovered from a lengthy spam-deletion session (9 days’ worth is no laughing matter!), I am now in the process of sorting through the photographs. I took anywhere from 50 photos to 150 photos a day while we were away (probably averaged 80 or so), and am going through resizing and uploading the best ones. When that’s been done, expect a bumperload of blog updates. I may not have time to get through it all today, and tomorrow we are going shopping for book shelves, but I hope to have the posts all up during the course of the weekend, as it’s back to the thesis again on Monday (BOOOOOOO!). And noooo, the photos aren’t all of food (though the posts will most definitely feature descriptions and photos of food). I did photograph other things, such as this sunset on our first night in Geraldton, standing on my toes and looking over the top of the fence of our holiday unit, towards the horizon.
I’m being very naughty actually, sitting here doing this when there’s still stuff to unpack, sitting in the hallway. But I’ve missed my computer, and Billy Lee is so comfy and purry, sharing the footstool with my feet. And I’m bursting to tell you all about our holiday!