Friday night with friends
Our friends MK and AK and their two teenaged kids came over for dinner on Friday night. By the time I got home from work I was in my usual state of Friday night exhaustion, feeling a little worried that I’d be battling to stay awake through dinner. I put on my apron and helped Jac prepare the meal – we did Chinese.
We started with chicken and corn soup – we cheated and used packet soup mix, the kind you break an egg into. I know it’s out of a box but it’s tasty! MK if you’re reading this we weren’t trying to pull a swifty on you and make you think we made this soup from scratch! :)
Jac roasted a couple of small chickens flavoured with “oriental” chicken seasoning – I don’t know what the “oriental” is, but it was yummy! We thought the chicken might be overdone when we pulled it out of the oven, but were pleasantly surprised by how moist and tender the chicken turned out beneath the apparently overdone skin.
We made a big pan of minchee – MK has heard and read about minchee for the three and half years we’ve known each other, but this was her first time actually eating it. I think she liked it – her hubby AK definitely did. :)
We also made fried rice, a very simple version with ham, peas and champignons:
I cooked the vegies, which I flavoured with soy sauce, ginger, garlic and sesame oil. I was really pleased with how the vegies turned out – I basically stir fried the onion, garlic and ginger, added the broccoli and carrot and seasoning, and then poured in soy sauce and water and then put the wok lid on to let the vegies steam for a few minutes to get them tender but not soft.
We had green tea ice cream, which yes, we made from another boxed mix (click here to see the box). It’s super easy – you just add cold milk and egg yolk to it, mix well and chuck it in the freezer. Sorry, I didn’t take any photos of the actual ice cream, but it was yummy. Jac also served up a selection of cheeses, fruit and crackers. It’s been ages since I’ve eaten prunes – I’d forgotten how much I love pitted prunes. I’ve been snacking on them all weekend. Sure, feel free to make jokes about how “regular” they’ll make me. Hahahaha.
I guess I wasn’t as tired as I thought I would be – I wasn’t the “I’m so tired nothing will stop me from passing out” sort of tired – good food and good company kept me going. Especially the food – I was well and truly awake and eating.