Dinner – lamb ribs, chicken drumsticks, potatoes, corn and coleslaw
We had friends over for dinner. Jac bought marinated lamb ribs to serve for a starter. Here they are in the oven tray ready for cooking.
Lamb ribs on a bed of greens, served as a shared starter. The ribs hadn’t looked like they had much meat on them, but I was wrong, they were deceptively meaty. We got through almost all of these between four people! Jac took the leftover ribs to work for lunch the next day.
This was a tasty dinner. With a slice or two of fresh buttered bread and butter, salt and pepper on my potato, I was ready to go. I’m sure we’ve discussed before the merits of corn on the cob with butter. I like corn on the cob with butter – when we go to the Royal Show one of the things I must eat is corn on the cob with garlic butter – but generally speaking, especially at home, I prefer it without.