Back from Canberra

We’re home from 6 days in Canberra. We had a lovely time.

Unfortunately I developed a sore throat and cold while away – it’s such a bummer to be sick when on holiday! Because I was unwell, I didn’t have as much energy as I normally would have, but I didn’t let that stop me from eating lots of yummy food and visiting some of Canberra’s great art galleries.

I hope my Twitter and Facebook updates and iPhone photos kept some of you entertained anyway, while I was away! :D

Thank you to everyone who made recommendations on where to eat in Canberra. I’ll be writing the Canberra blog posts as quickly as I can. I can’t wait to share it all with you guys.

I took a sick leave day off work today and spent most of it resting, away from the computer – I have lots to catch up on. I will get back to regular posting (Perth food :)) as soon as possible.

Here’s the full list of posts from our Canberra trip.

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