Happy new year!
I’m back from holidays – 3 nights in Melbourne, 3 nights on King Island for a photographic safari, and 6 nights with Christmas day in Hobart. We’d been planning and organising this trip since April. It was my first time in Victoria and Tasmania. I left the heavy Nikon DSLR and lenses at home and took my lightweight Fujifilm kit instead. I’ve got lots of stories to share, which of course include the fantastic food I ate and reflections on the photographic experience. As usual, my travel tales will be interspersed with Perth posts. Here’s a sneak peek at just some of what’s to come…
And yes, that wallaby is sticking its tongue out!

Melbourne preview: Dinner at MoVida, Melbourne; Malaysian-style brunch at Orient East, St Kilda Road; O’Connor Black Angus eye fillet at Steer Bar & Grill, South Yarra; evening in Fitzroy; cakes at Brunetti, Carlton; Bianco Latte homemade gelato at Queen Victoria Market – Wednesday Night Market.

King Island preview: Tern rookery; King Island cheeses; one of many beautiful (and cold) beach scenes; the OKA took us places a regular car couldn’t; King Island crayfish with homemade Mary Rose sauce; King Island lamb lunch, cooked and eaten outdoors.

Hobart preview: The legendary Salamanca Market; fresh Bruny Island oysters at Get Shucked; Cascade Brewery; berries galore at The Creamery, The Taste of Tasmania festival; pastries at Daci & Daci Bakers; Riding the Mona Roma ferry to MONA (Museum of New and Old Art).
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Hobart, holiday, King Island, Melbourne Like