Posts Tagged ‘website’

A new TFP is coming…

This festive season, I started working on a major update and redesign of The Food Pornographer. This site is getting a complete overhaul and a brand new look. Actually, I’ve been working on this on and off for two years, but kept putting it off. I’m doing it for real this time! While I continue […]

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TFP maintenance

I’ll be carrying out some long overdue maintenance today, so there may be some downtime or website weirdness. Please be assured it is only temporary! :) EDIT: Well, looks like the upgrade to WordPress 2.9 hasn’t broken the site. I’m checking for problems, but please let me know if anything looks weird or doesn’t seem [&helli…

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TFP now on Facebook

I’ve created a Facebook page for The Food Pornographer. My blog posts will feed straight through via the Notes on my Page, and I plan to share little extra bits and pieces from time to time (kind of like what I do with my Twitter account, where you’ll get to read the odd thought or […]

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Utterly ridiculous part 2

Remember this comment from Patti? You stole the French Toast and Spam recipe from me. I have had it published on, my own recipe, so I would appreciate it if you would give me credit. This was my email to Patti, telling her of my response posted at this site: P…

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Just thinking…

Thank you to everyone who’s left a comment at my Utterly ridiculous post. On a related note, Katie wrote about receiving her first nasty comment at her blog A Byootaful Life. She reflects on the different ways bloggers respond to nasty comments. I like to analyse and rip the comment to shreds, and if ridicule […]

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Utterly ridiculous part 1

I wrote a post recently about a bento lunch in which I had French toast and SPAM squares, which I ate like sandwiches. It was very simple to make, so simple in fact, that 1) I didn’t use a recipe and 2) I didn’t even think of what I did as a recipe. This was […]

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Thank you!

Well, The Food Pornographer didn’t win, but congratulations to the Best Food Weblog Bloggies 2008 Winner, The Pioneer Woman Who Cooks. And my warm and fuzzy thank you to everyone who nominated TFP, voted for me, and sent me emails and comments of support and encouragement – I was so thrilled to be a finalist, […]

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TFP is a finalist in the 2008 Bloggies!

The Food Pornographer is a finalist in the Bloggies 2008, in the Best Food Weblog category! I think to be a Bloggie finalist is a real honour for any blogger as they are open to weblogs internationally and the winners are chosen by the public i.e. real people who use the internet and read the […]

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We’re home!

Hello everyone, and Happy New Year! We got home on Friday night. I have a few pre-Christmas posts which I’d started but didn’t get a chance to finish before our holiday, and then of course there are all the holiday photos (lots of delicious food!) and related posts I am looking forward to sharing with […]

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Leika and TFP

E sent me the link to this gorgeous photo of her kitten Leika. Isn’t he a cutie? I just want to rub his little tummy! Notice his excellent taste in websites! Heheheh. ;) Jac and I met up with E when she was in Perth, and we’re now looking forward to seeing her (and Leika, […]

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