Bakery savouries

Jac recently bought a box of mini meat pies, sausage rolls and quiches and a full-size pastie from the bakery at The Bentley Centre.

Mini pies, sausage rolls, quiches and a pastie

I ate one of each mini pastry, plus half the pastie, which Jac and I shared. The mini meat pies were especially good, filled with a combination of beef mince and tender beef chunks, in a delicious gravy. The quiches were filled with cheese, egg, chopped ham and onion. The sausage rolls were good too, with moist, nicely seasoned filling.

Mini pie, sausage roll, quiche and a pastie

It’s been ages since I ate a pastie – I can’t even remember when the last time was, before this. This was a meat and vegetable one, with lots of potato, celery, carrot and onion. When I was a kid, I didn’t like pasties very much because of the celery flavour. Although I’m not a big fan of celery even now as an adult, I have grown rather fond of pasties.

Pastie innards

These savoury pastries were tasty enough on their own, and I found I didn’t need any tomato sauce. Having a box of mini pastries in the fridge is probably not good for anyone’s healthy eating, but they make damn good snacks whenever you have a craving for a little something savoury. :)

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