Monday bento – hoisin chilli chicken, salad with roasted vegetables, potato salad

For Monday’s bento, Jac marinated a couple of chicken thighs with hoisin and chilli sauce. I packed us a sliced chicken thigh each on a bed of salad greens, along with more salad (mixed greens, cucumber, blanched snow peas and green beans, homegrown cherry tomatoes and leftover oven-baked carrot). I also made a quick potato salad – I mixed some of the leftover cooked potatoes and zucchini with mayonnaise, wholegrain mustard and freshly cracked black pepper. To fill up my bento box, I packed myself a mini quiche and some prunes.

My Monday bento

Jac’s bento lunch was pretty much the same as mine, except I packed her bread and butter, and also included a little container of honey mustard lime chilli dressing for her salad. I’m happy to eat my salads without any dressing, but Jac prefers dressing on hers; normally I don’t bother packing her dressings as she has a supply at work – but while she was on holiday recently someone consumed her salad dressings and didn’t replace them. I think they thought they were dressings for everyone, not someone’s personal supply. :)

Jac's Monday bento

I’m not kidding – if I were a cartoon cat, this would be my Monday morning face.

Jac's bento note: Monday morning face

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