Another no-proper-recipe dish
Last night’s dinner, made by Jac was savoury mince with garlic mashed potato. She didn’t follow a particular recipe – the savoury mince consisted of lamb mince, onions, carrots and peas, with some beef stock and worchestershire sauce. The garlic mashed potato she’s made a squillion times before – our version is to boil the potatoes and a few whole garlic cloves in the same saucepan, and then when the potatoes are ready to be mashed, remove the garlic skins and mash the spuds and garlic together (and of course add butter and season to taste). The mash turned out really fluffy and went really well with the mince. Good home cooking! Like the pasta dish from the other night, this mince and mash was very much to my liking as I could eat it i.e. shovel it down, with just a spoon.