Chicken, salad, bread

I said there would be seven posts – well, I happened to take a couple of photos at lunch time, so this makes post number eight today. Make sure you don’t miss any, and click on “Next Page” at the bottom of the page! :)

This afternoon Jac rustled up some salad (with our homegrown tomatoes!) and slices of cheddar…

Salad and cheese

…and served that with buttered fresh bread and BBQ chook, hot out of the bag from the supermarket. I love freshly cooked hot BBQ chook. It’s so flavourful and succulent. And I can always have my favourite parts of the chicken – drumstick, thigh and plenty of skin. As I continued working on my blog posts, I could hear jac cutting vegies on the chopping board. And then although I didn’t hear her rip open the chook bag, I knew she’d torn it open because suddenly I could smell the delicious aroma of BBQ chicken. Luckily my sense of smell and taste continued to function throughout lunch. Right now I’m a little blocked up again – hope I can taste dinner tonight.

BBQ chook and bread

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