Dinners at home

Guess what – I am now Auntie TFP! :-D My brother and my sister-in-law are the proud parents of a baby girl they’ve named Ruby, born on the 7th September. They’re not quite up to visitors yet, but from the photos my brother has sent via email, she is tiny and has a very impressive head of black hair – I remember seeing photos of myself as a big faced bald baby – Ruby looks much cuter than I was. I am not at all clucky (I’m so not one of those women who, upon seeing a baby, cries out, “Ohhhhh, can I have a hold?”), but in my understated way, I’m as excited and thrilled as the rest of the family. :)

This is the first of a seven-post weekend bulk update.

Sunday: an old favourite, my essential comfort food meal. SPAM fried with egg, rice and baked beans. I often like to mix corn kernels with the baked beans, which adds a most pleasurable element to the meal – the corn kernels’ bursty popping-ness. I love just about all corn products/dishes, but my favourite has to be anything featuring juicy, bursty kernels, such as corn on the cob, or kernels straight out of a tin. I love the pop, pop, pop. Incidentally, I like peas for this same reason. But they have to be the younger or smaller peas which have a bit of dimple in them – they give the best pop. Older or bigger peas, with no dimple, can sometimes have no pop at all. Hopefully you’re not reading this thinking “What the **** is she on about?!” Heh.

SPAM, egg and rice with baked beans and corn

Monday: Jac made chilli con carne with turkey mince. It was really tasty. I devoured a bowl of chilli with a buttered sesame seeded white knot roll, I bought a bag of rolls from Brumby’s in town on the way home. Geez, those bread rolls make a crumbly mess! (Yeah, the bread makes the mess, not me! Hahaha) Yum. After the first bowl, I had another.

Chilli con carne made with turkey mince

Tuesday: pork steaks with oven roasted potato cubes, homemade coleslaw, corn on the cob (yes, more pop!), oven roasted eggplant and some of our home grown tomatoes with just a little cracked black pepper. I ate my pork with some smokey barbecue sauce – perfect.

Pork steaks

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