Wednesday bento – BBQ sauce chicken kebabs, salad with roasted vegetables
Jac bought us chicken kebabs marinated in barbecue sauce from Woolies. She cut the skewers in half so they’d fit into our lunch boxes, then cooked them on Tuesday night so I could put them in our bento on Wednesday. We’ve had these chicken kebabs before – they’re really tasty – I love them!
So here’s Jac’s lunch. Right: chicken kebabs and salad. Left: fresh fruit (watermelon and orange) and mini cheeseboard (crackers, smoked applebox cheddar, spring onion and herb cheese, selection of dried fruit – prunes, mango and apricot).
For some reason, Jac really likes it when I write the weather forecast on her bento notes. :)
I packed myself the same lunch, minus cheeseboard. In our salads I included lettuce, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, yellow capcisum and leftover oven-roasted vegetables from our juicy pork steak dinner – carrot, sweet potato and potato. I’d like to include roasted vegetables in our salads more often – they make an ordinary salad seem a little more special… and delicious!
Jac absolutely loved her mini cheeseboard, but we both agreed it’s probably not a good idea to have those too often in her bento lunches – they’ll have to be an indulgent once-in-a-while treat. :)