My aioli has a face
This is what we assembled for dinner a couple of Wednesdays ago, too lazy to cook – oven-fried chicken nuggets and salad (mixed greens, cucumber, baby roma tomato, mushrooms and corn kernels), with tomato sauce and aioli for dipping. I think the aioli looks very “man in the moon”-ish, what do you think?
I’ve been replying to comments this evening – I hope I haven’t missed any. I know I owe a number of you guys emails too (Laura – I know it’s been absolutely ages since your last email – I will reply, I promise!). It would be so nice to not have to work at all, and just spend my days eating, taking pictures of food, blogging and replying to comments and emails. Such a shame I need money to facilitate all those things! :)
It is disgustingly hot over here at the moment. Today was a 38C day. Tomorrow is not much better – forecast top of 37C, and then on new year’s day, they’ve predicted it will reach 39C. I don’t have any plans for new year’s eve/day. I prefer it that way – I’m not very comfortable at parties, to be honest – probably because I don’t drink alcohol and don’t enjoy hanging out with drunk people. :) What about you guys? Any plans for new year’s eve (or new year’s day)?