The cats – long time no see!
Some of you guys have been asking how our cats are – this post is for you. They are very well, happy and purry and as lovable as ever. They are always great company for me when Jac is away. For readers who don’t know, our cats are both female – the short-haired black and white one is Billy Lee, and the fluffy black one is Pixel. We got them both from the Cat Haven about 7 years ago. They aren’t related by birth, but they get along very well. Billy Lee is the boss. She is much bigger than Pixel, even though they are around the same age. Pixel appears to eat much more than Billy Lee – Pixel will try anything at least once if you’ll let her – but Billy Lee weighs almost twice as much as Pixel. Billy Lee is clumsy, moves slowly, and loves a good brush and massage. Pixel hates being brushed, is agile and naughty and very clever – we once caught her lapping up water from a pan we left soaking after we’d cooked bacon in it (mmm, bacon water!).