McMuffin in bed
“What shall we eat?” we asked each other, as we lay in bed on a Saturday morning.
“I’d love a Sausage and Egg McMuffin,” I said, thinking about a rubbery, spicy sausage pattie with an overcooked fried egg and chewy melted orange cheese.
“Well, let’s go then!” said Jac.
We went through the McDonald’s drive-thru (no need to change into “presentable” clothes – I just threw a jumper on as it was still quite chilly), drove straight home with our warm brown bag of food, kicked off our thongs (flip-flops) and ate our breakfast in bed. In these photos you’ll see my food as it sat on the doona/duvet, on my lap. The lighting came from my bedside lamp.
So, I got my rubbery, spicy sausage pattie, overcooked fried egg (not visible in the photo) and chewy melted orange cheese. Yum.
My posts are currently more than two weeks behind, but this breakfast just took place. I’m still in bed with my full tummy, feeling most contented on this Saturday morning.