Welcome, Caleb!

Great news! My nieces Ruby (aged 3+) and Zoe (aged 1+) have a new baby brother! Caleb was born on 27 December 2010. We visited Caleb and his mum Angela at hospital today. They are both doing well.

My nephew Caleb at 2 days old, being held by his Uncle Jay

Angela told us that Ruby and Zoe have seen Caleb and were both chuffed to have a baby brother. As soon as Ruby heard she had a new brother, she got busy with paper and pens and made a card for him (and Mummy). When Ruby saw her mum in hospital, she remarked, intrigued: “Mummy, your tummy is smaller!” Zoe kept looking at Caleb and saying “Bubby, bubby” but what she liked most was his cradle, which is on wheels: “Trolley, trolley”!

Caleb’s four Aunties have all been very excited too, and upon hearing the news on the 27th (a text message from our brother the proud dad), we shared our excitement on Twitter!
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More posts by a proud auntie

I wasn’t able to see Ruby for sometime after she was born because I had a nasty cough and cold and stayed away so I wouldn’t pass on my germs. I made up for lost time and met Zoe within 24 hours of her birth – see Welcome, Zoe.

Being Chinese, we’ve held full moon celebrations for the babies when they were one month old. See Ruby’s full moon celebration and Zoe’s full moon celebration. Something tells me there’ll be a party featuring curry, yellow rice and red eggs sometime in the near future…

This year we celebrated Zoe’s first birthday and Ruby’s 3rd birthday. More babies mean more birthday parties! :D

I don’t just enjoy photographing food – I take my unofficial duties as family photographer very seriously and I love taking pictures of family, especially of the kids (including the furry four-legged ones). It’s been wonderful capturing visual records of the girls and marvelling at how fast they’re growing. And now, I’m looking forward to photographing Caleb too.

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