Family Christmas 2014
On the weekend, we got together for my family’s Christmas barbecue by the river in Bassendean. Just like last year, Jac and I got there early to secure a nice shady spot by the water.
We commandeered two of the free public barbecues in the park (surprisingly, as it turned out, no one else in the vicinity was picnicking or barbecuing). My younger sister Juji cooked the sausages on one barbie, while my brother Mark cooked the tomatoes and mushrooms on the other. When the sausages were done, my eldest sister CW cracked the eggs right onto the hotplate and fried them in the sausage grease – over easy with soft yolks. But there was more: my sister-in-law Angela’s homemade tomato sauce and baked beans, and my mum’s homemade wantan and chicken congee with all the trimmings.
After brunch, the kids couldn’t wait to put on their life-jackets and get out on the water with Jac and the other keen kayakers (Juji, Mark, Angela, my brothers-in-law Jay and Mike), while the less sporty among us watched from the bank, took photographs or played with the dogs. Jay had brought his fishing rod but the fish weren’t biting. The strong wind cut the kayaking session short, but the timing was just right for dessert – CW’s trifle, and fresh summer fruits (watermelon, strawberries, nectarines, cherries).
We had fold-up chairs to park our bums on, trestle tables on which to lay out the feast, eskies loaded with ice and cold drinks, and the kids even made Christmas decorations to hang on the trees (don’t worry, we removed them before we left) – the only thing missing was somewhere to lie down for a nap after all that eating. Banana lounges next year, guys?
Happy Christmas!
Thank you for reading. I hope your festive season is fun, delicious and not too stressful. What’s on your Christmas menu?
New Travel page
This time last year, Jac and I were in Hobart, Tasmania – Christmas lunch was a wonderful buffet at the Salamanca Inn. You can read the stories from that trip, plus my other travel blog series at my new Travel page.