Another SPAM meal
I made my own dinner this evening, and it was quick and easy. I chopped SPAM into cubes, washed and very roughly shredded lettuce into big pieces, chopped cherry tomatoes into halves, and sliced up one brown onion and two big cloves of garlic. First I fried the onion and SPAM in the wok, and when the onions were lightly browned and the SPAM a little crispy on the edges, I tossed in the garlic and tomatoes. When the tomatoes were a little cooked and softened (I kept moving it all around, to avoid burning the garlic), I chucked in the lettuce, and added some cracked black pepper, light soy sauce and dark soy sauce. Then I stirred it all up and tossed the mixture around until the lettuce was wilted. I served this on a plate of leftover cooked rice, which I’d zapped for a couple of minutes. Easy peasy!
Mmmm, big bits of fried garlic. Yes, I ate SPAM, but I did eat vegetables too! :) This dish may seem familiar to some of you, and that’s because I made something similar last year when Jac was away, with bacon, lettuce, green beans, tomato, baby corn, onion and garlic.
Tomorrow morning, I’m going to be a research subject at uni and earning myself a $20 Coles-Myer voucher for about 45 minutes of my time (I’d rather not say what I will be doing, but it does not involve anything painful, gross or scary!). After that, I will be back at my desk in the office, hopefully finishing off the essay feedback, marking late essay submissions and replying to emails. I think I’ll have to have an early night tonight if I don’t want to conk out before lunch time tomorrow though.