The last temptation of a nerd
I am sooooooooooooooooooo bad. No, not really. But I must stay away from Zazz. It’s the Australian version of Every day at midnight EST (which is currently 10:00pm here in the West), a new item is on sale for one day only (24 hours) or until stocks run out, whichever comes first. The items are often cool gadgets to tempt the nerdy impulse-buyer. When there are only a few of the day’s item left, the GIMME! GIMME! button pulsates. It’s amazingly effective at getting your nerdy heart-rate up, compelling you to click on it. And the next day at midnight, a new item is offered.
I’ve been a Zazz member for less than three weeks and since signing up I’ve resolved to remain strong and impervious to temptation. But this morning, when I saw this, I could not resist. You’re terrible, Muriel!Yes, yes I am.
It was a pretty good day today. I bought my new toy before leaving home to go to uni. Wrote a reference for one of my students from last semester. Had curry and rice for lunch AGAIN. Had a meeting with my PhD supervisor which went very well. Ate a chicken wing ding at the train station, bought one extra for a snack tomorrow. Had a delicious dinner of lamb meatballs in a homemade tomato and capsicum sauce, on rice (I’ll post the photo of that during the week or on Friday evening, whenever I get the time).
EDIT , 10:03pm: Couldn’t resist checking what the new Zazz is. It’s a USB Mug Warmer and 4 port Hub with a bonus USB Bendy Light. Luckily I don’t need either of those things. SHUT UP, nerdy brain, I really don’t need those things! I don’t! I don’t! Time to go to bed!