Another meal featuring fish and chips
My portable DVD player arrived yesterday, but as no one was home at the time the postie left a card in the letterbox telling me to collect it from the local post office. So that’s our first task to do this morning. We’ll also grab the Saturday paper while we’re out because the full Perth Royal Show programme will be in it. I think the last time we went, which was the FIRST time I ever went, was five years ago. I’m looking forward to it. We end up spending way too much money, but it was fun. I should be able to take some cool photos on the day, too.
Last Sunday night’s dinner was fish and chips from our local fish and chippie.
I remember writing about sea shanties sometime ago, and at the time, one of my readers Jenna asked what they were. Finally, I’ve had a sea shanty again and was able to take an innards shot just for you! The thing on top is a plain old fish cake, and two things on the bottom are the two halves of a sea shanty, which I described last time as “a kind of crumbed fish cake. It has peas and carrot and corn kernels in it too.”
Crispy, salted chips, yummy. The pineapple fritter was a little greasy but that’s because it sat wrapped in its paper while we ate the fish and chips. I must remember to take it out of its wrapping next time. Maybe I’ll just eat it with the fish and chips, instead of after.
It’s not yet 7am, so I should have time to write a few more posts before Jac wakes up this morning.