Christmas Eve 2006 Part 3


After the main course, Mum thought it would be good to go for a walk before dessert, and so there was a mass exodus as almost everyone took off down the street. I stayed behind to hang out with Grandma (I’d already exercised for 45 minutes in the morning, so I figured it was okay for me to stay back and chat).

When everyone returned, presents were exchanged. Juji and Jay had baked everyone afghan cookies, iced Christmas trees and Martha Stewart recipe lemon and poppy-seed cookies (sorry, I didn’t take a photo) – Dad received special low-GI muesli cookies. My older sister CW and her hubby presented everyone with homemade gingerbread men.

Jac’s was a KISS gingerbread man. Mine was a vampire with an evil-looking vampire’s widow’s peak – you can’t see him very well under the red wrapper but I’ll post a photo of him out of his wrapper (taken when I ate him, he was tasty!) a little later :).

KISS Gingerbread Man

Vampire Gingerbread Man

EDIT: here’s my gingerbread vampire, unwrapped. He got a little broken, which made it easy for me to decide which parts to eat first. :)

Gingerbread vampire

A got Adam (as in Adam and Eve). Noooooo, you people with dirty minds! That’s a fig leaf, not his um, male parts. If you’re interested, you can see more of the gingerbread men here at CW’s site.

Adam Gingerbread Man

A had baked a diabetic-friendly fruit cake (Dad is diabetic). I’ve written about this cake before and provided the recipe here. It’s much denser and heavier than normal cake.

Diabetic fruit cake

Diabetic fruit cake

For the sugar-eaters, there was baked chocolate cheese cake, served with strawberries.

Baked chocolate cheese cake


A slice of baked chocolate cheese cake with strawberries

It was an amazing meal and a fun evening. We laughed and talked and ate and drank. Can’t ask for more, really.

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