The next month and a half
Oh, and to Nicole, June and Sarah, I’ve replied to your question(s) about the Christmas eve garlic prawns here.
And Haz, I’ve replied to your question (well Lell’s question :)) about the turkey stuffing and flavouring the bird here.
Eleanor, I’ve replied re: the turkey thigh roast here.
I’d just like to take a moment to warn you guys that postings may be less frequent for the next while; I’m now in the final month and a half of my PhD candidacy and there is still much to do if I am to complete my thesis and have it ready for submission on the official date of February 16th 2007.
I’ve been pretty stressed out about it, actually. It’s not just the thesis though; I think the thesis is the least of my worries – the thesis is well under control – lots yet to do, but I know I can get it done. I do think about the thesis ALL THE TIME though, which it annoying (yet, as I’ve realised these past almost-three years, unavoidable). It will be so good once I’ve finished the damn thing and purged it from my life and driven it out of my consciousness! I can’t wait.
But besides the thesis, I’ve really been most worried about money – my scholarship runs out on Feb 16th. I’ve been looking and applying for jobs since October – admittedly there hasn’t been a hell of a lot out there – I’m not just looking to grab whatever comes along. There’s always teaching at uni when Semester 1 starts, but that’s only casual work for 12 weeks with no guarantee of work the following semester (or for any semester). I’m looking for something more permanent than that. I won’t go into details now, but yeah, I’ve been looking and will continue to look during January while finishing off the thesis. We could live on Jac’s earnings for a while, and I do have some savings, but I’d rather not have to rely on either. Jac keeps telling me not to worry, but if she ends up having to pay the bills that come out of my account i.e. Internet/telephone, my mobile and health insurance, web hosting fees, Flickr fees… I think she will really feel the strain. I’m trying to avoid that at all costs. Besides, I’m a terrible housewife! I like working – not on housey things!
It won’t be the end of the world if Feb 16th comes along and I’m not ready to submit the thesis, but I’ve been on track the whole time up till now, and I’d like to not drop the ball right at the end! If the right job came along though, I’d take it and finish off the thesis part-time, blowing Feb 16th out of the water anyway.
So, my original point – over the next month and a half I will continue taking photos for the blog, but I might not be able to update as frequently as I have been (and I know even this hasn’t been frequent enough for some of you! :-P). I hope you’ll continue to be patient and understanding as you have been. :)