Grilled salmon and salad; tfp growls; more burgerage

Jac left this morning to go to Brisbane. She will be attending a conference from Monday to Wednesday, and will then stay with her cousin who lives on the Sunshine Coast, returning home late next Sunday night.

When certain friends and family hear Jac’s going to be away for an extended period of time, they always ask me: “Will you be frightened without Jac?” That really irks me! I’m 32! I moved out of home at 18! I lived by myself when I was 21/22! I don’t believe in the boogey man! Seriously, people! Look how tough I can be (*bars teeth and gnashes* GRRRR!)!!!! Heheheh.

Last night, we ate what would be our last dinner together for over a week – grilled salmon and salad.

Grilled salmon and salad

The salmon was meaty and flakey and delicious. Jac prepared the salmon fillets in the same way we’ve been having all our grilled fish lately – seasoned with salt and pepper, then grilled with a little butter. Some people might think this is overdone, but this was perfect for me. I like the salmon to be more firm than mushy. More, please.

Grilled salmon cross-section

In other news, Portland Hamburgers has mentioned my site in a post. Check it out here. Don’t worry, the pics have been used with my permission. :) It was actually a nice trip down burger memory lane – I wish I’d eaten that Irish Stovey Burger again, before the Midland Markets were destroyed by fire. Back to Portland Hamburgers, I especially love this post about a hamburger cake.

So anyway, I’ll be home alone for a week. As regular readers will know very well, when I’m on my own I’m a self-confessed lazy cook. Any suggestions for what tfp should eat for dinner this week?

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