Like Cellobella, I love Election Day, federal and state. Well, more specifically, I love watching the election count/analysis on the telly. I’ve got Australia Votes 2007 on the ABC on right now and will watch it all evening until victory is claimed. I was hoping there would be a sausage sizzle fundraiser at the primary school polling booth at which I cast my vote, but noooo. So disappointing! :)
Jac thinks I’m a complete nerd when it comes to elections. She sent me a text message a short while ago – she’s having pizza for dinner, and I’m sure she WON’T be watching the election on TV. I guess I have a great capacity for watching events that many people think are boring, such as test cricket. :)
On the train yesterday going home, I caught myself making shadow puppets with my hand. Hope no one noticed my rather good (if I say so myself!) quacking duck.
I found this gorgeous photo pool on Flickr yesterday: cat couples.
More food posts should be on their way this evening. I’m working on them now!