Posts Tagged ‘wantan mee’

My Saturday

Yesterday morning I went to the dentist to get those two fillings done. One of them was on one of my molars, right at the back of my mouth. The dentist had a hard time working in that tight spot and accidentally grazed the inside of my cheek with one of his tools (the dental […]

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Another trip to the food hall

My brain is fried. I worked on my current chapter all day (and made some progress, thankfully) and was also kept busy replying to emails from students which kept trickling in. They have an assignment due on Friday, and it’s obviously panic stations for some of them. We had a visitor this evening – Colin, […]

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Saturday: wholemeal spaghetti with cashew nut pesto and chicken. The pesto was bought pre-made from Dewsons supermarket, and was made from cashews, garlic, olive oil and herbs. Jac added the wholemeal spaghetti, peas, onions and chicken. The cashews made the dish extremely rich. It was beautiful, but I felt a little ill afterwards. Sunday: char [&h…

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Wednesday, Part 2 (oh dear!)

After that huge pig out (phrase chosen deliberately for this story) at breakfast, I didn’t get hungry for lunch until 2:30pm! Even then, I was just peckish, not starving as I usually am. I wandered downstairs and bought myself a serve of wantan soup for $3.50. It was beautiful soup – perfectly seasoned and not […]

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