Sausage sizzle lunch
I came across a sausage sizzle at lunch time – $2.00 for a barbecued sausage, onions and barbecue sauce or tomato sauce in a fresh bun. Fantastic!
I must confess – I bought and ate two. :) I would’ve had one with tomato sauce and one with barbecue sauce, but by the time I made it to the front of the line, they’d run out of tomato sauce.
The last time I featured a sausage sizzle Bryan commented on the stingy amount of fried onions. As you can see, Bryan, I had the same problem again. Organisers of sausage sizzles always seem to underestimate how much onion they’ll need -I think they forget how much it shrinks when it cooks. So they end up having to cut back on how much onion they give people so that they’ll have “enough” for everyone. Yes “enough”, which is not really enough. :)