Archive for December, 2006

Curry alone

Yesterday, Jac asked me if I’d like her to cook me something before she and VR left for Dunsborough. I said I’d love her to cook me a Thai green curry, and so that’s what she did. She used both chicken thigh and breast meat, and the vegies I like in it – zucchini, peas […]

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Christmas Eve lunch

Remember I said that our friend MT was coming over for lunch on Christmas Eve? Well, here’s what we had – Chinese chicken salad, made using a Lee Kum Kee Chinese chicken salad packet sauce. That packet sauce is definitely recommended, really yummy. Just chop the vegies, slice the cooked chicken, add the sauce and […]

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Forgotten food: three different kinds of junk

Occasionally certain photos get left by the wayside and forgotten. Here are a number of forgotten photos, all junky, all yummy. Nooooooo, I did not eat all of this on the same day or in the same week. First, another Hungry Jack’s Aussie Breaky, with strawberry jam on one of the muffin halves, and pepper […]

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Christmas 2006 Part 4

The journey home On our drive back to Perth we stopped at the Gull Myalup Roadhouse to stretch our legs and go to the loo. I perked up immediately when I saw the sign that read “Country Fried Chicken”. As well as the fried chicken, the roadhouse specialises in “Aussie” meat pies, which are shaped […]

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Christmas 2006 Part 3

Our last day in Dunsborough. Of course, breakfast had to be pies from a local bakery. We went to the Dunsborough Bakery, which we’d driven past on our way through town when we arrived on Christmas Day. The bakery sells a large range of baked goodies.    We bought two chicken and mushroom pies and […]

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Christmas 2006 Part 2

Boxing Day Breakfast The next morning, brother B drove to the bakery and picked up fresh bread rolls so we could have bacon and egg rolls for breakfast. He cooked the bacon on the new portable gas stove he got for Christmas from Jac’s mum. Many rounds of bacon were fried on that little stove. […]

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Christmas 2006 Part 1

I’ve uploaded 293 photos to a Flickr set called Xmas in Dunsborough, 2006. Friends and family can see lots of people photos there. Everyone else can see food, animal and landscape shots. These next few posts about Christmas at Dunsborough will feature selected shots from that set. We left for Dunsborough early on Christmas morning, […]

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Christmas Eve 2006 Part 3

Sweets After the main course, Mum thought it would be good to go for a walk before dessert, and so there was a mass exodus as almost everyone took off down the street. I stayed behind to hang out with Grandma (I’d already exercised for 45 minutes in the morning, so I figured it was […]

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Christmas Eve 2006 Part 2

Main course While the meat was resting before carving, Juji got busy making gravy with the pan juices.    A had made her special stuffing, which was oven-baked in its own dish, not in the turkey. We were all hanging out for the carving! My brother had bought an enormous ham from the butcher, which […]

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Christmas Eve 2006 Part 1

Hey everyone! Hope you all had a lovely Christmas. It’s taken me ages to sort through/process/upload all the photos. Just as well I’m still on holiday, eh? Tomorrow I plan to go shopping, but on Sunday I’ll be getting reacquainted with my thesis. Ugh. But let’s forget about that for the next half dozen or […]

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